Last fall I attended several local rodeos here in New Mexico: the Casper Baca Roughstock Rodeo Fall Series and the Bosque Farms Rodeo Association Fall Rodeo. Both rodeos allowed me up-close access, for which I am grateful. This kind of access allowed for photographs beyond the action in the arena and a glimpse into the focus and preparation involved in rodeo competition.
Recently a short series of behind the scenes images from these rodeos were posted on my Instagram, Facebook, and Flickr feeds but were neglected here. This post rectifies that.

A young cowboy awaits his 8 seconds on the steer. Bull riding is as much a mental game as it is a physical one.
I seem to remember reading here and there, about how 8 seconds on a bull feels like forever. That last image complements that sentiment of time’s crazy warping so much, to me.
Hi Charlene,
Yes, I imagine it does feel like an eternity. I’ve also heard it likened to the world trying to shake itself to pieces! Yikes. I haven’t tried it myself. I did, however, watch one cowboy ride his first bull. I didn’t realize it was his first time until he neglected to slide his body up onto his grip hand like they all do. Then I though “Oh crap! He hasn’t done this before!!” Someone then told him they wouldn’t open the chute until he gave the go-ahead, which he did, hesitantly. He has more guts than me.
Thanks for your comment, means a lot to me.