This is the time of year that I become more reflective. For those that know me this might seem like an impossibility. But, there it is. I feel more reflective, and I reflect more.
This year I have the profound joy and responsibility to introduce the meaning of Christmas, as I know it, to my older son. He’s three and therefore has developed a memory and is building the ability to make meaning out of his experiences. This was, of course, arrived at-and continues to be arrived at-by asking and demanding the answer to the question “Why?!”
For the first time in my life I am partly responsible for how another person makes meaning of this time of year, and I suddenly realize the importance of that act. I’m molding a little person, who will grow into a bigger person, and who will interact with others, take on roles, and come in contact with those of different beliefs and differing fortunes. What do I want him to make of this? What do I want him to be aware of? How do I want him to make sense of all this shopping, gift giving, greeting, wishing, longing.
So I had a thought. What if we hit up the Giving Tree? What if I showed him the importance of giving as well as receiving this Holiday Season?
“Good idea,” I thought to myself. But then came the thought, “but how are we going to pay for it?” Well, that is not too hard to do. Money is tight, as it is with a lot of people these days, but not so tight that I can’t buy a toy for a kiddo that might not receive a gift otherwise. But I noticed too that I wasn’t really willing to admit to myself that I’ve got a few bucks quietly sitting in my PayPal account that I earned from stock photography sales. You know, that whole “earn money while you sleep” idea.
I’ve not gotten rich off it, nor can I quit my day job, but I did earn a few shekels with which I treated myself to blurb books and a few other camera related unnecessaries. And I watched my mind as I stingily compartmentalized that money for myself, and I knew what to do.
So that money needs to go toward giving. It’s not a lot; I wish I had some more. But maybe I need to show my son the better aspects of this holiday by giving it to someone who needs it more than I.
What about you? Will you join me in showing my son, in showing our communities’ children, what it is like to give to others. Do you have a few bucks in your PayPal account that you earned through stock, an affiliate program, a profit on a photo book that sold that you would have made for yourself regardless? Can you part with that and boost this world a little bit?
Oh, and see that “buy print” and “buy card” and “send ecard” button above the image above. It’s a simple image, just a snowman on a bike, but if you buy a card or a print I’ll give the profit to charity. Perhaps buy a needy kiddo a toy if I get enough money. Or use the ecard to spread this idea. Dig up your spare shekels, find the change in your couch, give it away to someone who needs it. Because really, if you’re reading this on your iPad, iphone, Droid, computer, whatever….you, like me, have enough…and others don’t.